Monday, February 21, 2011

Ski Ferien!

After my weeks stay in Germany, I came back and had three weeks of school, and then two weeks of holidays for skiing. I spent both weeks in the mountains with my host families skiing. It was really beautiful, and amazing. BUT.... I recently had a memory card failure (and lost about 400 pictures from the past 3 weeks), and may have lost all proof of these trips forever. So What I'm going to do is mail my memory card to my brother back home, and hopefully he can recover the lost photos from it.

I spent the first week of vacation in Arosa with my 2nd and current host family. A ski resort/location in Kanton Graübunden. In south-eastern Switzerland. I traveled there with my host mom with the trains. It was a long ride, but so worth it. We spent the week there. every day, we would get up and eat, then go skiing until 3 or 4. Then come back to the hotel to relax in the welness baths and saunas. Every day after dinner, I would play a couple games of biliards with my host brother, then go sit in the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel with my host family playing games. Like connect 4 and a Swiss game called Jas (pronounced yas). The last day, on the way home, my host mom and I stopped for an hour in Chur. It is a nice Swiss city, and it was a nice day to see it.

For the second week of ski vacation, I was with my first host family in Ovronnaz, a different skiing place in Kanton Wallis. It was a really nice ski place, and a really nice ski house that we lived in for the week. Instead of a hotel, we had a vacation house that was rented out to us for the week. It was nice, and had 5 bedrooms, one of which i got all to myself. :D My "host niece and nephiew were there too. They are the cutest little Swiss kids, and I had a lot of fun playing with them for the week. Ronja, the oldest, shares my birthday, so When I got here back in August, we had a combined birthday party.

Now I have three more weeks of school, and then I get to miss a week of school with Yoda to teach Swiss kids from my Village how to ski at their ski camp. It should be lots of fun! After the ski camp, I have one more week of school, and then it's already time for the Italy trip!

So I love my host families and I couldn't thank them enough for bringing me with on their ski vacations. I had a lot of fun!

Monday, January 24, 2011


So I've been really bad at blogging all that has been happening to me, So here comes (hopefully) a nice long chain of posts! :D I spent the last week of Christmas vacation, the first week of 2011, in Germany with Raphael. on the 2nd of January, I woke up at 5 a.m. to get to Dortmund, Germany at about 2.30 p.m. It was awesome to see Raphael again, and his family was really amazing throughout the whole trip. We spent the first day and a half in Dortmund doing different things in the city, with his family, and friends. Tuesday morning, we took a train 3 hours to Berlin. Spent 3 days there seeing the city. We saw pretty much the whole city while we were there. The weather was cold but I still had a great time. But there is a lot to tell you, so how about I just show you instead!!

Bowling in Dortmund!
German "capital building"

Berlin Main Train Station

The Berlin Wall

Checkpoint Charlie

At the Jewish Museum in Berlin

Raphael and I

Swiss Embassy
One night in Berlin, Raphael and I got to meet up with A-I! She was also in the States last year doing an exchange, and we were all in a show that Rotary put together.

Thank you Raphael, and your family so much for your kindness and generosity! They made my year here in Europe much more memorable. It was amazing to get to see you again. I know we will meet somewhere in the future too!... say, Zürich maybe? :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

5 Months down, 6 to go.

Exactly 5 months ago today, at 9 in the morning, I arrived in Zürich International airport. The last 5 months have been more adventerous and eventful then any consecutive 5 months of my life.
In the last 5 months, I have been to 3 different countries (4 if you count the US).
I have tried new (and delicious) foods.
5 months ago I rode my first train... since then, I've spent countless hours/days traveling around Switzerland with them.
5 months ago I could say "hi" and "where is the bathroom" in German, now I can hold a steady conversation with anyone. Maybe even throwing in a little Swiss-German too!
I've seen castles, churches and buildings older then the United States, Famous mountains and landmarks.
I've missed my fair share of busses and trains.
I've froze on top of the Little Matterhorn with a train load of other exchange students, and had a great time doing it.
I've been skiing in the Alps.
I've been asked about Obama.... a lot.
I can understand movies in German now... for the most part.
I've bought and eaten an 11 lb Toblerone chocolate bar, with the help of some friends.
I've helped a few American strangers find their way around Zürich.
I've lived with amazing host families, that feel more like real family then just a host family.

The next 6 months are going to go by faster then the first 5!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

December and the Holidays

Lugano, Switzerland
(in the Italian part, about 15 minutes from Italy)

December went by faster then I would have liked, but it was a good month. I've been skiing a few times in the Alps here, and it was absolutely amazing. I went once with friends, and a couple other times with my host families.


Picasso exhibition in Zürich

Castle in Baden.

A traditional Swiss Christmas festival.
Küssnacht am Rigi

My Christmas Tree!
Not as big as back home, but I liked it.

A lot of Swiss families burn real candles on their Christmas Trees.
My Christmas this year was very Swedish. My host mom was born and raised in Sweden, but my host dad is Swiss. They can all speak Swedish fluently, as well as German. My host mom can also speak a few other languages. My host aunt and her son were visiting from Italy(she is also Swedish), and My host mothers cousin from Germany was here too. So in my house there was Italian, Swedish, German, Swiss German, and English being spoken. English because my host cousin only speaks Italian, and Swedish, but a little English. Conversations were always being translated between German, and Swedish, and Italian.
Traditions were a little different here. We opened presents on Christmas Eve, and not Christmas Morning. We had a big dinner on Christmas Eve instead of the usual Christmas morning breakfast of strawberry pancakes with eggs, bacon, and whipped cream, :D That might be the thing that I missed the most throughout all the holidays.

Christmas Eve Dinner.

Christmas morning breakfast. I made pancakes!

A day out with my host family. The day after Christmas.

On the way up to the top of Uetliberg.

Uetliberg is also known as Zürich's mountain.
You can see the whole city from the top.
After coming out from a break in the cafe, it was dark so we got to see the city lights.