Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On top of the World!

We had fall break for school the first two weeks in October. The first week, I traveled a lot around Switzerland with the other exchange students, and friends from school. The Second week, my host parents brought be and my host sister to Mallorca, Spain. Mallorca is an island a little south of Spain. It was really beautiful, and I swam in the Ocean for the first time, went hiking with my host parents, went snorkeling with the fish, and ate a LOT of doughnuts at the buffet every morning.

So when I first got to Switzerland, I discovered Mango fanta... which was exciting. Then I went to Spain, and discovered Lemon Fanta... which wasn't as exciting as Mango, but it ws still awesome. Then about a week ago I learned that there are actually over 90 different mango flavors worldwide. now that is exciting.

Two weeks ago, a few friends and I went to Schloss Chillon. A castle in a little bit to the south east of Lausanne, and on Lake Geneva. It was HUGE, and really cool. I went with Yoda, Jenna, and Wes. Took us a while to find it, but once we got there, we made some really good pictures. Even figured out how to do something cool with my camera! Long exposure pictures are a lot of fun sometimes.
Yoda, Wes, me and Jenna!
Schloss Chillion

Here is a picture from last month. I went to the Stanzerhorn, a mountain that you get to with a pin wheel train, and a cable car. It was really beautiful.

Last Sunday, there was a country fair for Rotary, for you who don't know what that is. We (the inbounds from other countries) make booths with information, pictures, maps etc. of our countries. Then all the outbounds (Swiss students going abroad next year) come and go to all the booths to get a better idea of where they actually want to go. There were about 90 outbounds there, and out of them, 59 put on their application that they wanted to go to the USA for exchange! 59... there is only 30 spots for it, so a few of them are going to be dissapointed. Here's the good part though, after it was just over, a student and his parrents came to talk about the USA, so I talked to them about the school system, sports, trips that Rotary does.... for a good half hour... ALL in German! I was
pretty proud of myself

We had a surprise birthday party for Shannon, an exchanges student from Florida.

Hiking with my host family in southern Bern.

My host sisters God daughter. She's wearing the Twins shirt
that I gave her for her birthday... Which happens to be the same as mine.

Skating in Luzern with a bunch of exchange students one afternoon.

Another of the Schloss Chillion.

A really cool tree we found on the way to the castle. In Lausanne.

A day trip to Geneva! (Genf auf Deutsch)
The crew at the United Nations. We couldn't go inside cause it closed 30 minutes before we got there, but it's still cool to say we were there!

This is the famous fountain in Geneva Jet d`Eau. Yeah... that's French. While we were in the French speaking part, we let the Canadian, who knew French, do the talking. Except for once when I was ordering a kebab. Using all the German skills i could find at the time.... in return I recieve a blank stare, and fast French sentences. We switched to English...

Earlier that same day... we bought the biggest chocolate bar I've ever seen!

Nick and I are doing the honor of opening it.

Trips can sometimes end up like this.


  1. 90 different mango flavors worldwide. now that is exciting.

    should be

    90 different FANTA flavors worldwide. now that is exciting.

  2. yeah... I was just SO excited about the mango still?

  3. Fanta Lemon is definetely my favvorite. Fanta Exotic is a good 2nd though.
    Great pictures! I'm so glad you're having such a good time :)))

  4. Guro! thanks, I've been having an awesome time here. How have you been?
