Sunday, September 5, 2010

So I think that I should get better at this whole blogging thing. So lets start with the plane ride over here. I got some really cool pictures of the sky. It was weird watching the sun set, and then two hours later, watching it rise. I didn't have any problems with any of my flights, and I didn't get that much jet lag which was good. I probably only slept for a total of like 3 hours on the plane. I was too excited to sleep i guess.

My host family at the airport

My first day here, I flew in at 9 a.m. on Friday the 13th! But We drove home from the airport and went to my new home. My room is nice, and has a desck for me to work at. after I put my stuff in there, me and my seccond host mother went to the place where I registered with the government or whatever. We also went and registered to get my GA transportation pass. GA is the best thing in the world since the invention of the wheel.... I can get anywhere in Switzerland with it. That night I watched a movie with my host sister, but fell asleep half way through so i just went to bed.The next day was a local soccer tournament festival in my town. My younger host sister and her friends had a team, and won their age group. I had a sausage thing with a hunk of bread, which i have gotten to like a lot! Plus it's not as expencive as most of the other food.
The following Monday, I started a German Language course in Zürich. It's four hours every morning which is nice, cause then we have the rest of the day to explore different places. I've gone to Zürich See a lot, and I went to Baden one day. We kinda just get on a train and go. So since I am still in the language class, and not in school, I haven't made too many real swiss friends, but the ones that I do have are really cool. I've mostly hung out with the other exchange students because we see each other every day for language class anyways.
This is at a river in Bremgarten. We went there one day after class.

Zurich is a lot of fun. It's great if you have nothing to do that day, cause you can always find something. Like going into stores to look at $500 leather jackets. We saw little peddal boats that you can rent.... might go do that one day.
Other then that, the food is good, my host families are awesome, my friends are cool. Might go to Luzern this week, and maybe go down to the mountains one of these days.

One last pic for this post...
This is a fountain in Bremgarten